BIO Markets in Lisbon – Top 10
Have you ever wondered how can “fresh fruit” juice last for a year? Why animal flesh has a low cost in regular super markets? The answer is easy: There is poison and you are paying for being poisoned! Discover the best BIO Markets in Lisbon and start a healthy consuming for you and for your planet from now on.
1. Puro Bio.

PuroBio is the biggest of the BIO markets in Lisbon, works like an open space where you can buy your bio food: Vegetables, animal flesh, eggs, grains, flours, free gluten products, cosmetics and a huge variety of BIO products. There’s a space for bulk purchasing as well, where you find beans, corn, peas etc.
Address: R. Fernão Lopes 17, 1000-090 Lisboa
2. BIO Mercado.

Not only a Bio Market, the Bio Mercado is a venue that works as restaurant as well and you should visit for dinner, to taste Bio wines and food. Beside that you can find several kinds of products, all from Bio origin.
Address: Av. Duque de Ávila 141B, 1050-053 LisboaEndereço: Praça do Príncipe Real, 1250-096 Lisboa
3. VillaBio

This is the first bio store in Restelo, Belém, there you find all kind of food products, including wine, olive oil, bread, flours, etc. Villa Bio is not only a bio store but they also organize meetings and work shops. “We believe that BIO is not a trending thing, is the future.” said Sandra Parestrello, one of the owners.
Address: R. Gonçalves Zarco 18, 1400-351 Lisboa
4. Mercado do Príncipe Real.

Supported by the Lisbon council, Mercado do Príncipe Real is one of the most important Bio Markets in Lisbon. Every Saturday from 9am to 3pm a huge number of local producers comes to sell their Bio and local products from Lisbon region. An open bio Market where you can find every food for your table directly from people who works on the earth. “Is important to know how things grow, I like to come here and I spend some time learning about the seasons and how our food grows in our soil” said Maria Lourdes, a client who goes there every Saturday.
Address: Praça do Príncipe Real, 1250-096 Lisboa
5. Mercados AgroBio – Open Bio Markets in Lisbon.

Mercados AgroBio is one of the nicest open Bio Markets in Lisbon But not only, you can find AgroBio all over the Portuguese territory. Huge variety of products and different producers. AgroBio Markets organizes Bio Markets in 14 different regions in Lisbon. Usually it goes from 9am to 2pm in most of regions, but in Cacilhas you can find Bio products from 2pm to 7pm. “If you are a regular client, we will separate for you your favorite products every time you come”, guarantees Nelson, one of the producers.
6. Fruta Feia Project – Stop food waste.

Fruta Feia is not properly one of the Bio Markets in Lisbon, but still one of the most mindful projects I ever saw around here. Half of the food produced in the world goes to waste every year from all the industrialised countries, 1,3 tons, it would be enough to feed 925 million families. “Fruta feia” (Ugly fruit) takes all the vegetables and fruits rejected by the big supermarkets because of size or colour or any aesthetic aspects and bring it to local people. All the producers are locals, they are over 250 small and medium Portuguese producers, BIO and convencional agriculture. There are around 6.000 consumers already and I am one of them. Every week I get 4kg of delicious food for only 4€. Sign up to Fruta feia here. “Beautiful people eat Fruta Feia.”
7. Comida independente – The cheapest bio wines in Lisbon.

If you are looking for Bio Portuguese Drinks, charcuterie, cheese and sausages, Comida Independente is the right store for you. The owner Rita, started to travel across Portugal in order to meet local producers in general. From olive oil until meet producers, she collected the best Bio and local products in her store, also a nice place to do a Bio Portuguese wine taste and meet Portuguese producers.
Address: Rua Cais do Tojo, 28 – 1º Esq
8. Miosótis – The first of all Bio Markets in Lisbon.

Founded in 2002, Miosótis is the first 100% Bio Market in Lisbon. They offer a huge variety of local fish, vegetables and grains for competitive prices for Bio production. Besides the selling, they also promote work shops and homeopathy lectures.
Address: R. Latino Coelho 89A, 1050-134 Lisboa
9. Celeiro – Bio store in Lisbon.

The most popular Bio store in Lisbon, they offer a huge variety of BIO Cosmetic products. There are 18 Celeiro stores spread all over Lisbon but this one here is the largest one, 350m quarters of green and 100% Bio products.
Address: Rua 4 de Infantaria, 31B, 1350-166.
10. Mercado Lumiar + Bio – Local Bio Markets in Lisbon.

Managed by Lumiar council, the Mercado do Lumiar now offers a huge variety of Bio products, bread, fish, meat, wine, vegetables, charcuterie, everything, bio, fresh and local. Not 100% of the products comes from Biological agriculture but there are a lot. The new Mercado Lumiar is a project by João Carrasco e Daniela Ermano and it offers a huge variety of biological products. There you can find a lot of local wine and cheese producers.
Address: Alameda das Linhas de Torres, 1750-142 Lisboa
Consume more Bio products, this way you are doing your part to reduce Global warming and pollution. Local production is important for the economy and our health. Find other Portuguese local producers in the Best Markets in Lisbon.
Enjoy and respect Lisbon!